Since 1973, Key Realty has been the go-to adviser for commercial real estate needs on the South Shore and in greater Boston. We offer brokerage and real estate advisory services to:
- Buyers, investors, and sellers
- Landlords, leasers, and tenants
- Property developers
- Large- and small-property owners
- Banks and attorneys

Here are just a few of our clients:

- Atlantic Management
- Bank of Canton
- Boston Market
- D.O.V.E.
- Eastern Nazerene College
- Bank of America
- Braintree Cooperative Bank
- Colonial Federal Savings Bank
- Dunkin Donuts
- The Exxon Education Foundation
- The Faxon Trust
- Galvin Construction, Inc.
- Marina Bay Management Services
- Massachusetts Cooperative Bank
- Quincy College
- Gale Associates Inc.
- The Heritage Companies
- Market Share USA Credit Union
- The Patriot Ledger
- Quincy Community Action
- Quincy Co-operative Bank
- Recoll Management Corporation
- Rite Aid/Brooks Pharmacy
- Ronus Properties
- Shawmut Bank
- Quincy Savings Bank
- The Ricciardi Companies
- Rockland Trust
- Shaw’s Supermarket
- Sheskey Architects
- The Stop & Shop Companies
- South Shore Mental Health
- Sovereign Bank
- Volkwagen of America
- Agnetti Property Management
- South Coastal Bank
- South Shore Savings Bank
- Tedeschi’s
- Work, Inc.
- Remicks Department Store